Sunday, June 5, 2011

Mickey D's - Concrete images

Okay so this assignment had to do with capturing only physical details or concrete images instead of emotional details which we deemed as abstract images.

Mickey D’s

Wheezing in the grease of the spitting grill,
the smell of the McDouble invades my nose.
Dripping with the juice of beef fillers.
Greeted at the door by a yellow suited, cardboard cutout clown.
Sticky, red tile floors caked with remnants of high fructose corn syrup.
Innocent children laughing with delight,
awed by the display case of happy meal toys.
Black uniforms with a happy yellow “M.”
“Can I take your order?” bounces off every surface.
Lined around the building in their cars they sit.
New Mercedes and old Toyotas all fall into the queue.

1 comment:

  1. Beee-you-tiFULL in their grossosity (is that a word? it is now, Ida rekkon, Paw). Leeeve this world through prayer, gorgeous girl, and join me. Where? Beautifull Girl, never mind what kooky, Fred Phelps sez, Heaven's where I'm going for eternity. Wanna come? Guhroovy. Meet me in the Great Beyond, miss gorgeous, and we'll have gobbbs of fun at my BIG-ol, WooHoo! party-hardy celebrating our resurrection for eons and eons. O! BTW! I'm gonna kiss your adorable feet the first chance I get, doll, because they brought you this far (so be warned) HawrHawrHawr +GOD/BLESS/YOU+ I wish I could tell you I love you in person - all of Heaven's eternity isn't long enough to show you how much I love you. Lemme prove it to you when we arrive.
